About Me

Many years of drawing and painting portraits lead to cramped creativity. The years of producing work "to please the customer" weighed on my desire to design tactile permanent pieces simply for the real pleasure it gives me. My first freeing step was to produce large designs in rough cut steel to be installed on the outside of buildings. I later moved indoors working in sheets of sterling silver to create jewelry. Finding the silver work more gratifying than steel, I am pleased that people enjoy my jewelry. I make my own stamping tools and hammer most surfaces, finishing with steel wool or polishing to a high shine. My husband, Leigh, and I sell my work at the juried shows we are invited to all across the U.S. Email for prices and information please swadeworks@gmail.com

Monday, September 15, 2008

Time to Catch Up with New Pieces

Husband Leigh and I have been so very tied up going to art shows this year since the end of February that I have neglected to add any images of new pieces. The time has come, I am sitting in a lovely lodge at Red Top Mountain State Park just north of Atlanta, GA with Internet access.

I haven't posted information about how we live on the road between shows and thought it may be of interest. We are Spartans to a degree and actually enjoy making do with as little "stuff" and expense as possible. We provide ourselves with privacy and room to spread out for work (jewelry making) and relaxation at state parks that are within reasonable driving distance to the cities where we participate in fine art shows. Just last week I spent 11 hours one day and 8 the next working to the sound of loons, and other bird songs while comfortably working under the shelter of my show tent. Leigh puts up our white canopy over the picnic table of our site to provide shade and privacy, if I want it, while I use my torch to solder, and do all the hammering required to stamp my designs into the silver. Because there are usually no campers but us in the middle of the week I am not disturbing their silence as I whack away with my favorite hammer.

I am happily creating new pieces and going in new directions that intrigue me and keep my bench time challenging and entertaining. Please contact me for any information regarding any of the pieces at my email address swadeworks@gmail.com and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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