About Me

Many years of drawing and painting portraits lead to cramped creativity. The years of producing work "to please the customer" weighed on my desire to design tactile permanent pieces simply for the real pleasure it gives me. My first freeing step was to produce large designs in rough cut steel to be installed on the outside of buildings. I later moved indoors working in sheets of sterling silver to create jewelry. Finding the silver work more gratifying than steel, I am pleased that people enjoy my jewelry. I make my own stamping tools and hammer most surfaces, finishing with steel wool or polishing to a high shine. My husband, Leigh, and I sell my work at the juried shows we are invited to all across the U.S. Email for prices and information please swadeworks@gmail.com

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a New Year!

We have been in two shows so far this 2009. We were in Naples, Florida then Tubac, Arizona this February. Immediately after the Tubac show we drove north to Tucson for the Gem Show where I was able to find some great new stones to set, exciting new kinds of beads to add to my earrings, and several tools that will make my work at the bench more streamlined.
We camped as usual while we were there and had lovely weather. My husband spent a lot time hiking with our dog, Rip, in the desert near Tubac during the five day show there and read a great book after show hours. The Tubac area is surrounded by huge mountain ranges that change color as the day goes by - a perfect artist community!
Our next shows are in April. We have applied for many shows that have not notified us yet. All of our shows are juried and require that we apply many months ahead. We look forward to being able to map our shows on the calendar and search out state parks to find places to set up our little nomad dwelling.
I am posting some new pieces of jewelry for you to see. There is one tension clasp bracelet with a pair of earrings to match that is representative of one of the new design avenues I'm enjoying which I am calling "Villages".
As always please contact me at my email address if you are interested in a particular piece. swadeworks@gmail.com

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