Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I am busier this show season than ever (or I'm just getting older and slowing down).
The Octopus necklace is my largest piece yet at about 6" tall and 5" across. It was a custom order from an extraordinary woman who is very into deep sea fishing. She has ordered barrettes that have been fun to make that feature sea creatures as well.
Along this same line I have planned a mermaid, a deer in the woods, a horse with flowing mane, and a possible eagle. All those designs I envision being simplified and stylized. Let's hope I get to them soon! A lot of shows are coming up at warp speed.
Show List ~ August through November
8/15-16 Lexington, KY Woodland Park
8/ 23-24 Columbus, IN
8/30-31 Bloomington, IN 4th Street Festival of Art
9/6-7 Bowling Green, OH Black Swamp
9/13-14 Wichita, KS Autumn and Art
9/20-21 Leesburg, VA
9/27-28 Nashville, TN Centennial Park
10/11-12 Lees Summit, MO Pending Notification
10/18-19 Edom, TX Edom Festival of Art
11/8-9 Winnsboro, TX
11/15-16 Covington, LA Three Rivers Arts Festival
Sally, the octopus is amazing! What a stunning piece- I bet she loved it. Cant' wait to see the other designs. :)